I'm looking for women who are interested in having a Greenhouse Set Boudoir Session!
What you will receive for your participation:
- Waived Session Fee ($500 Value!)

- Special set with greenhouse backdrop & plants in studio
- Professional hair and makeup

- Client Consultation
/Prep Guide
- A 60-minute Boudoir Session with complete posing and facial expression guidance.
- A separate appointment to view your best images

- Professional retouching of all final images to be purchased
- Must not have a current Boudoir Session on the books.

- Must be 18+.

- Must be willing to share partial or fully nude images publicly (signed model release).
- A minimum purchase is required. A Boudie Call is a great time to take advantage of a huge savings!
-$300 retainer is due to book your session and comes back to you as a product credit.
Pre-payment on a collection will come with additional bonus sets! Payment plans are available and must be paid in full by your shoot date. Options to upgrade your collection are possible at your ordering appointment!
To apply, please fill out the form below and be sure to include a short paragraph that explains why you are interested in participating in this project!

Boudie Call